Juego: Knight Romanius 1

Juegos / Juegos de Aventura / Juegos de Knight / Knight Romanius 1 Juego (Knight Romanius 1)

Juegos de Chicas - GameGirly.com


Votos totales:  24 . Le gusta al: 70.83% .
Votos totales: 24 . Le gusta al: 70.83% .
Descripción del juego Knight Romanius 1:
In a land far far away lived 3 massive cyclops brothers. They amassed huge armies. But power made them evil and their thirst for more power and might resulted in many bloody wars. Their wicked actions create the desire for revenge by one man, the only hoplite standing - Romanius.

Arrow keys = move
A = attack
S = jump
D = defend
Space = special attack.


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